Saturday, September 22, 2012

Defrag and Reboot Time

No referral just some thoughts on the waiting time.  Ok so we are waiting for the referral for our new daughter and it is hard.  I decided to try to look at this time from a different perspective.  Instead of suffering, I want to look at it as a good thing.  Here is what I have come up with. Let's just say your brain and spirit are the components of a hard drive (computer hard drive) and for let's say a year and a half it was never shut down properly and it was working 24/7.  In the process it retrieved a lot of information that exceeded the capacity of the hard drive...beyond its limits.  Well to get your computer working you have a couple of choices: (1) throw out the hard drive or (2) reboot and defrag the hard drive.  So I am looking at this waiting period as a time to "reboot and defrag" my hard drive...since I really don't want to "throw it out."  Defragging sometimes takes a lot longer than you want it to, but it is worth it in the end. That is my spin for the day.  Have a great day everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Delightful spin! When the time is right, it will be wonderful but in the mean time, defrag! Love it! Love that you are constantly working on yourself, it helps me to be better?
