Saturday, September 22, 2012

Defrag and Reboot Time

No referral just some thoughts on the waiting time.  Ok so we are waiting for the referral for our new daughter and it is hard.  I decided to try to look at this time from a different perspective.  Instead of suffering, I want to look at it as a good thing.  Here is what I have come up with. Let's just say your brain and spirit are the components of a hard drive (computer hard drive) and for let's say a year and a half it was never shut down properly and it was working 24/7.  In the process it retrieved a lot of information that exceeded the capacity of the hard drive...beyond its limits.  Well to get your computer working you have a couple of choices: (1) throw out the hard drive or (2) reboot and defrag the hard drive.  So I am looking at this waiting period as a time to "reboot and defrag" my hard drive...since I really don't want to "throw it out."  Defragging sometimes takes a lot longer than you want it to, but it is worth it in the end. That is my spin for the day.  Have a great day everybody.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

No referral yet....It is hard waiting....I just cannot wait to see Abbie's sister's face. Cannot wait to learn her story and see her country and discover her personality. We are learning more about Hungary but mostly just yearning to see her.  We know having another little girl is going to be a lot of work....we honestly look forward to that type of work...we enjoy that type of work...we cannot wait for that type of work.  I wouldn't have missed a day with Abbie, even the very hardest of those days.  Every day was worth it regardless of how hard. I would do it all over again in a second.  Abbie gave us so much...and I learned so much from her. 

I love taking care of little children...tons of work but even more tons of fun.  Some suggest I might need a reality check...well I do know children often grow up and  don't stay little forever... ...that is exactly what we are hoping for...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Egan means yes...and Nem means no in Hungarian...that is about all I much to learn...but what better reason to learn it than to be able to talk to your child....  Rosetta Stone does not offer I am using the Pinsleur program.  Hope I can learn "I love you" before we go...or at least "drink" "bathroom" "bedtime"and "good morning."  Does anyone know if Hungary takes Mastercard, Visa and if they have easy access to the internet?  What about cell-phone service?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hi everybody.  My name is Mary Ann and I am a mom.  I have one daughter in Heaven and one daughter in Hungary.  Really? 9 year old daughter died last year from cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma).  She is such a special wonderful little girl, bright, funny, charming and a negotiator.  My other daughter, I have never met, but she lives in Hungary.  Abbie always wanted a sister.  So we are next in line to adopt a little girl from Hungary age 3-6 years old.  I have never been to Hungary and up until the past few month, I have never met anyone from this is an adventure.  When we get the call, we will travel to Hungary and live there for 5 weeks and return with Abbie's sister.  Wow!!!  Feel free to follow the adventures of both of my daughters....yes..Abbie too she is doing some very terrific things in heaven and she also lives on through all of her friends, who we refer to as Abbie's Peeps.